Friday, November 26, 2010


 This show is a teen drama about four girls who are recovering from the death of their friend, Ally. The four main characters are each going through probloms and trying to maintain the secret of Ally's death. Emily Field is a dedecated swimmer who is struggeling with her sexuality. Spencer Hastings is a girls who is pressured by her parents to do anything it takes to never lose. Her sister is upset with her because she was caught kissing her brothers boyfriend. Hanna Marin is the most popular of the girls. after Ally passed away. Hanna is dealing with the pressure of pleasing everyone and financial proboms. Aria Montgomery found out that her father was cheating on her mother and is torn between telling her mother and hurting her and not telling so that their family stays together. He is also in a relationship with her english teacher. These girls have several probloms but none are as important as the deadly texting messages they are getting from an annonymous person who calls himself 'A'.  The show has just finished it's first season and is due to air the second one in January 2010. I love this show because of all the twist and turns! You never know what it going to happen next or who is lying. I recommend this show to EVERYONE. Guys are going to think that it is a 'chick' show because all of the main characters are girls but there is a serious outlook on highschools and their social probloms.

Pretty Little Liars Theme Song

Thursday, November 25, 2010


Futurama is a pretty old show, but stila some! I've been watching this show since i was little but I didn't really understand it until now. It is ABSOLUTLY HILARIOUS.  If you've been living under a rock and you dont know what futurama is here are the details. Futurama is a show about a delivery crew of misfits who come together and deliver packages who wacky places across the universe. The show takes place in the future. Some of the main charachters are Phillip J. Fry a pizza boy from the late 20th century, Teranga Lela who is the captian of the ship, Bender Rodriguez the alchoholic robot, Professor Farnsworth, and Dr. Zoidburg. The show has six seasons and is approximatly 20 minutes long. I recommend this show for people who like the simpsons or king of the hill. It is one of those adult cartoon shows that pokes fun at people but it is not a cruel as family guy. It's definatly worth watching in your spare time

Phillip Fry, Bender & Lela.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


Another show that i find myslef watching is Robot Chicken. The show is done entirely in stop motion animation!! It is an adult show so sometimes there is colorful language and subject matter but I still love this show!! It is produced by Seth Green and Matthew Senreich. The show is made up of a bunch of skits that mock pop culture. The Charaters in the show are made up of toys and actionfigures. The special effects are done with claymation. The epidodes are only 11 minutes long so they usually play two back to back on tv. There are 5 seasons. The show has a dendency to get canceled but someone always renews it!! I have only seen a couple of seasons and in no particular order but it still ranks high on my list of favorite shows. The following video is a clip from the show making fun of the show A shot at love with Tila Tequila. It is sooo funny. They claim that Tila is a cyborg that the producers created.
Robot Chicken: A Shot at Love

This skit is a skit about world war II. its done as if all the countries individual students. It is sooo Funny
Robot Chicken: Lil Hitler

 I recomend watching this show it is sooo funny!! There may be some parts that are sensitive topics for people (This show was rancked second right under family guy on adult swim) but besides that it is a good way to kill some time!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


 So latley i find myself watching the show bones. It is a wonderful show about an FBI agent and a Forensic Anthropolgist, who works for the jefforsonian. They are partners and together they solve crime and put murderers behind bars. The Forensic team at the Jefforsonian is made up of a groups of people. Dr. Temperance Brennon is a best selling novelist and a forensic anthropologist. Agent Seeley Booth is an FBI agent. Angela Montenegro is a forensic artist. Dr. Jack Hodgins is an entomologist. Dr.Camille Saroyan is the head of the forensic divison at the Jeffersonian and is a pathologist. Dr. Lance Sweets is a psycologist that si assigned to diagnoss the relationship between Dr. Brennon and Agent Booth. Dr. Zach Addy is one of Dr. Brennons graduate students who causes alot of conflict in the show when it is discovered that he is the apprentice to a serial killer. The show has six seasons so far ( the sixth season is currently airing.) I give this show 5 out of 5 stars! That characters are witty adn fun! Even though the subject a macabre one the storyline is endering and has the audience comming back for more!!! My favorite part are the love triangles and romatic tention in the characters! I will be so sad what the seasons are done for good :(!!

        Dr. Hogins, Angela Montenegro, Agent Booth, Dr. Brennon, Dr. Addy, Dr. Saroyan                                                                                                                                                                                               

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My group did batman for our presentation. It was a little confusing in the end when we all found out it was individual marks we all scrambeled to claim all of our information so everyone got credit for the information that they found. It was a little hard finding information on my book because it is a rare series. In the end i thought it turned out terrific. A little bit of misscommunication because we all knew what out individual books were about but not each others books. So when the class was learing about the book so were the other group members. We are all close friends but we agree that we work terrible together. Thank goodness this is the final presentation of the year!! My favorite part of our presentation was the ending with the bat signal. It was pretty fantastic!! I think that we also made pretty good time. We took up almost the entire class!! If i could re do the presentation i would make it so we could all have a rehersal and i would make the presentation more fun. I would give myself more speaking parts and i would learn how to imbed the videos into the power point because i didn't like how it looked on the little mini quick player screen.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Does anyone remember the Cosby show? Do you remember his cute little daughter played by Raven Symone? I do and I miss that girl!! She is such a fabulous actress but I have heard very little about her since she was kicked off of the cheetah girls because of her size. ( WHICH WAS COMPLETLY REDICULOUS BY THE WAY!). Raven Symone not only starred on The Cosby Show and The cheetah girls( 1 and 2 ) but she also had her own show Thats So Raven which was a gigantic hit! After she show ended Raven ( like several other disney stars( launched a singing career. It did not last long unfortunatly she sang mostly on Disney soundtracks ( lion king, haunted mansion etc). Nowadays Raven is working on her new album, she is the spokesperson for the charity "Pespsi We Inspire" and she is starring in a new TV series called "Revenge of the brides mades". I looove Raven and I am Excited to see that she is still pursuing her carrer in acting and singing but she is also branching out and doing alot of other things. Disney shut her down and that didnt stop her!!
Raven on the Cosby Show

Raven on "That's so Raven"

Raven Symone Now

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Have you ever wondered what happened to your favorite star? It seams like jsut out of nowhere they up and dissappeared and you wonder "Are they dead?" In this post I'm goign to dig deep and find out what has happened to these people!!!
First up is HILARY DUFF.
I remember when Hilary was so popular you couldn't go anywhere without hearing her name. Hilary is the star of the hit tv show Lizzie McGuire, and for a while was a very popular pop singer. He even had her own line of clothins and accessories called "Stuff by Duff" My friends would write her letters and go to her concerts. Now when you mention her people are like "hmm? who?" Nowadays hilary is writing books!!! I found out that she is now on a book tour for her new book called Elixer. She is also starring in a new movie available on iTunes called " Beauty and the Breifcase". Some people would say that Hilary Duff was the Miley Cyrus of her Generations, which I do no agree with because hilary duff is a good role model for young girls! She is finished singing but she is still persuing her passions and you do not here any stories of her posing scandolously or doing drugs or drinking alot. I love Hilary Duff I am really glad to here that she is getting back onto the horse and is putting a book out there! I have no idea what it is about but I'm Excited for it!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


~ This Post Is Abut The Cencorship Presentations We Did On Tuesday~

I think that my group did a FABULOUS job of presenting!! I love how we had soo much information that we went over the expected time! I think we had very good information. We broke down the rating system and had examples of shows and events that people know about. I think our posters were very pretty! My favorite was the teen on that looks like a tv, but the title for the adult one was very clever! I think that everyone who presented did an equal part of the presentation. Personally my job was to set up the videos and explain the diffrent rating. I think we were strongest when when we were speaking to to audience because we were al confident that we did a good job. I think out weekness was not timing it better. Out clips were very important and we did not get a chance to show all of them. Next time i would talk faster to make room for the power point because it is a very importana part of a presentation!

Monday, September 27, 2010


 Soo in this post I am going to talk about popular televison shows. Right Now my favorite shows are Jersey Shore, Hellcats and Vampire diaries. I like these shows because they are full of dramatic people doing ridiculous things. Jersey Shore is a show about four guys (Mike -The Situation-, Pauly D, Vinny and Ronnie) and 4 girls (Nicole-Snooki-, Jenni-JWOWW-, Sammi and Angelina) that are put in a house together on a beach. In the first season it was Jersey Shore but this season they are on Miami beach. By day they work at their job but by night they go clubbing and stir up some trouble.

Hellcats is a new show it is about a girl whos mother is an alcoholic. She really wants to get through university but the only was is a cheerleading scholarship. She joins the squad and makes alot of friends and enemies. So far the show has only aired 3 episodes but i LOVE IT none the less :)

Another show that i love to watch is The Vampire Diaries. The show is on it's second season. It is about a girl elana who is  in a relationship with a vampire. Him and his brother takes her on advernters and expose her to the secrets that her town has been hiding for centuries.

Vampire Diaries

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Post Secondary Education: Schools

 There are a lot of places that you can choose to continure your education after high school. Personally I want to get into Public Relations and I am considering going to uOttawa, Guelph Humber, Carelton or York University. If you want to Go to University in ontario There are 21universities to choose from. They include:
Algoma University (Ste. Marie, Ontario)
Brock University (St. Catherines, Ontario)
Carelton University ( Ottawa, Ontario)
University Of Guelph (Guelph, Ontario)
Lakehead University (Thunderbay, Ontario)
Laurentain University (Sudbury, Ontario)
McMaster University (Hamilton, Ontario)
Nipissing University (North Bay, Ontario)
uOttawa (Ottawa, Ontario)
Queen University (Kingston, Ontario)
Ryerson University (Toronto, Ontario)
University Of Toronto ( Toronto, Ontario)
Trent University (Peterborough/Oshawa, Ontario)
University Of Waterloo (Waterloo, Ontario)
University Of Western Ontario (London, Ontario)
Wilfred Laurier University (Waterloo, Ontario)
University Of Windser (Windsor, Ontario)
York University (Toronto, Ontario)

 On some of these websire you can take virtual Tours of the schools you are interested in or scheduale times to go and visit the school yourself. If you want to find out more infor mation on Universities in ontario or individual courses  CLICK HERE!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Post Secondary School: Finance

At my age write now is the time when you should be planning for collage or university. Post Secondary school has been an obsession of mine for a while now. I am already to applying to my first scholarship and I plan on going to the university of Ottawa. If you are concerned about playing for school then this post is for you. Some very popular ways of getting money are buy applying of a scholarship and getting a loan from the bank. If you are leaning towards getting a scholarship some web Sites for you would be: Scholarships Canada and Student Awards. All you need to do is register (which is free) and look at what scholarships that you are qualified to apply for. Some scholarships are for people with special needs, or people with good grades or people who are involved in there community. On Student Awards you take a small text and it will filter your scholarships to match your individual needs. Another way to get money would be through a loan. Some banks offer special programs so students can get the money that they need for school and pay it back later on. Personally i think that scholarships are better because you get to keep the money and you dont have to worry about saving up to pay those loans.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Alien History Lesson

So in the movie Dr. Abby finds out the her husband was speaking to a language expert. After hearing the aliens talk her discovered the the language they were speaking was Sumarian. The Sumarian language is the oldest language in human history. The doctor says that there have been cave paintings and drawing of men in space suites fromm a very long time ago. Dr. Abby's patients kept saying that they thought they were seeing strange creatures that they belived look like owls. Their discription fits some statues you can find online or in a sumarian exibit in a museam.  This picture is of cave painting from Val Commona Italy.

This picture is of The Dogu. The Dogu is what fringe theorist describe as the as an ancient spaceman in a space suite.

Friday, September 17, 2010

SOOOOOO to pick up where my last post left off I am going to put on clips from the movie onto the blog. Durring the movie Dr. Tyler keeps videos off her appointments with her patients. It is very strage because some times the videos go very fuzzy whenever there is alien contact! :O

The first time that Dr. Tyler records a metting with her patients is when she thinks it would be a good idea to hypnotize one. Most of her patients are recalling the same story of seeing what they belive is an owl in the middle of the night. She asks permision and video records the episode. One the patient goes under and he tries to recall what happens he ends up screaming and running away from something that he recalls from the night before.  He refuses to tell Abby what he saw. Later that night he killed himself and his family so they wouldn't have to worry about whatever was troubling him ever again.

After tommy kills his family and himself the cheif of police tells DR.Abby that she needs to stop the hypnosis and blames her for the deaths, but later that day another one of her patients and his wife comes to see her and asks for hypnosis. They say they know the consiquences but really want to know what is going on. Dr. Abby records the session again with pretty much the same results. She gets a call the next say sayig that the man was veryy sick. They go to his house and there is a very strange episode where the aliens are speeking through him. The video is very fuzzy but TERRIFYING anyways!!!

Hypnosis Video Footage

The police get called to this mans house and Dr. Abby gets in trouble again. They decide that they want to arrest her but they dont because there is no real reason for them to. They station someone outside of her house to make sure that she doesn't leave. Durring the night a police man was stationed outside of her house. He claims to have seen a UFO!!! He calls in back up. But by the time they backup gets there the UFO is gone and so is Dr. Abbys daughter. They removed her son from her custody because they didn't think she was stable minded. Her son hated her and went with her. They belived that the only way to try and get her daughter back was to hypnotize her as well to see what was going on.

Dr. Abby Hypnosis Session

In the end Dr. Abbys daughter was never found and unfortunatly her son wants nothing to do with her! It is a very sad thing!!but i belive that everyone should know that THE ALIENS ARE COMMING!! be warned!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010



Over the summmer I went to my friends house to watch a movie. This girl is really into horror movies so we popped the movie The Fourth Kind into her DVD player. I thought that the movie was going to be about ghosts to be honest. I thought it was going to be one of those unrealistic movies that TERRIFY ME! Now i wasn't complety wrong this movie was still scary but what made it even scarier was the fact that it was based on a true story. A story about a psychologist named Dr. Abby Tyler. They movie follower her and her family and her patients through scary event occuring in Nome, Alaska. The movie is supported by video evidence of Dr. Tyler's patients durring their sessions. Dr. Tyler belives that aliens are resposible for the death of her husband and the abduction of her daughter. The first kind of alien encounter is when a UFO is spotted. The second kind of encounter is when evidence is spotted ( crop circles etc). The third kind is when you make contact with the aliens and the fouth kind is when they abduct you.To this day Abby things that their are aliens, and she waits for them to bring her daughter back to her. In my nest entry I will post clips from the movie and a 'The Fourth Kind Trailerhistory lesson' on the origin of Aliens!