Friday, November 26, 2010


 This show is a teen drama about four girls who are recovering from the death of their friend, Ally. The four main characters are each going through probloms and trying to maintain the secret of Ally's death. Emily Field is a dedecated swimmer who is struggeling with her sexuality. Spencer Hastings is a girls who is pressured by her parents to do anything it takes to never lose. Her sister is upset with her because she was caught kissing her brothers boyfriend. Hanna Marin is the most popular of the girls. after Ally passed away. Hanna is dealing with the pressure of pleasing everyone and financial proboms. Aria Montgomery found out that her father was cheating on her mother and is torn between telling her mother and hurting her and not telling so that their family stays together. He is also in a relationship with her english teacher. These girls have several probloms but none are as important as the deadly texting messages they are getting from an annonymous person who calls himself 'A'.  The show has just finished it's first season and is due to air the second one in January 2010. I love this show because of all the twist and turns! You never know what it going to happen next or who is lying. I recommend this show to EVERYONE. Guys are going to think that it is a 'chick' show because all of the main characters are girls but there is a serious outlook on highschools and their social probloms.

Pretty Little Liars Theme Song

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