Wednesday, November 17, 2010


My group did batman for our presentation. It was a little confusing in the end when we all found out it was individual marks we all scrambeled to claim all of our information so everyone got credit for the information that they found. It was a little hard finding information on my book because it is a rare series. In the end i thought it turned out terrific. A little bit of misscommunication because we all knew what out individual books were about but not each others books. So when the class was learing about the book so were the other group members. We are all close friends but we agree that we work terrible together. Thank goodness this is the final presentation of the year!! My favorite part of our presentation was the ending with the bat signal. It was pretty fantastic!! I think that we also made pretty good time. We took up almost the entire class!! If i could re do the presentation i would make it so we could all have a rehersal and i would make the presentation more fun. I would give myself more speaking parts and i would learn how to imbed the videos into the power point because i didn't like how it looked on the little mini quick player screen.

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