Friday, September 17, 2010

SOOOOOO to pick up where my last post left off I am going to put on clips from the movie onto the blog. Durring the movie Dr. Tyler keeps videos off her appointments with her patients. It is very strage because some times the videos go very fuzzy whenever there is alien contact! :O

The first time that Dr. Tyler records a metting with her patients is when she thinks it would be a good idea to hypnotize one. Most of her patients are recalling the same story of seeing what they belive is an owl in the middle of the night. She asks permision and video records the episode. One the patient goes under and he tries to recall what happens he ends up screaming and running away from something that he recalls from the night before.  He refuses to tell Abby what he saw. Later that night he killed himself and his family so they wouldn't have to worry about whatever was troubling him ever again.

After tommy kills his family and himself the cheif of police tells DR.Abby that she needs to stop the hypnosis and blames her for the deaths, but later that day another one of her patients and his wife comes to see her and asks for hypnosis. They say they know the consiquences but really want to know what is going on. Dr. Abby records the session again with pretty much the same results. She gets a call the next say sayig that the man was veryy sick. They go to his house and there is a very strange episode where the aliens are speeking through him. The video is very fuzzy but TERRIFYING anyways!!!

Hypnosis Video Footage

The police get called to this mans house and Dr. Abby gets in trouble again. They decide that they want to arrest her but they dont because there is no real reason for them to. They station someone outside of her house to make sure that she doesn't leave. Durring the night a police man was stationed outside of her house. He claims to have seen a UFO!!! He calls in back up. But by the time they backup gets there the UFO is gone and so is Dr. Abbys daughter. They removed her son from her custody because they didn't think she was stable minded. Her son hated her and went with her. They belived that the only way to try and get her daughter back was to hypnotize her as well to see what was going on.

Dr. Abby Hypnosis Session

In the end Dr. Abbys daughter was never found and unfortunatly her son wants nothing to do with her! It is a very sad thing!!but i belive that everyone should know that THE ALIENS ARE COMMING!! be warned!!

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