Wednesday, September 29, 2010


~ This Post Is Abut The Cencorship Presentations We Did On Tuesday~

I think that my group did a FABULOUS job of presenting!! I love how we had soo much information that we went over the expected time! I think we had very good information. We broke down the rating system and had examples of shows and events that people know about. I think our posters were very pretty! My favorite was the teen on that looks like a tv, but the title for the adult one was very clever! I think that everyone who presented did an equal part of the presentation. Personally my job was to set up the videos and explain the diffrent rating. I think we were strongest when when we were speaking to to audience because we were al confident that we did a good job. I think out weekness was not timing it better. Out clips were very important and we did not get a chance to show all of them. Next time i would talk faster to make room for the power point because it is a very importana part of a presentation!

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